Grading will be based on:
Participation (12.5%)
You will receive credit for asking and answering questions related to the homework on Piazza, engaging in class discussion and participating in the in-class exercises.
Homeworks (62.5%)
The homeworks will include both written and programming assignments. Homework should be submitted to the Dropbox folder in
Carmen by 11:59pm on the day it is due (unless otherwise instructed). Each student will have 3 flexible days to turn in late homework throughout the semester. As an example, you could turn in the first homework 2 days late and the second homework 1 day late without any penalty. After that you will loose 20% for each day the homework is late. Please email your homework to the instructor in case there are any technical issues with submission.
Midterm (25%)
There will be an in-class midterm.
Final Projects (Bonus 10%)
The final project is an open-ended assignment, with the goal of gaining experience applying the techniques presented in class to real-world datasets.
Students should work in groups of 3-4. It is a good idea to discuss your planned project with the instructor to get feedback.
The final project report should be 4 pages.
The report should describe the problem you are solving, what data is being used, the proposed technique you are applying in addition to
what baseline is used to compare against.
Grading Scale
Your overall grade is computed as (hw1+hw2+hw3) * 62.5/(10+15+20) + (midterm score) * 25/20 + (participation score) *12.5/10 + (final project score). This is then mapped a letter grade based on the standard OSU policy: 93-100 (A), 90-92.9 (A-), 87-89.9 (B+), 83-86.9 (B), 80-82.9 (B-), 77-79.9 (C+), 73-76.9 (C), 70-72.9 (C-), 67-69.9 (D+), 60-66.9 (D), below 60 (E). These cutoffs represent grade minimums. We may adjust grades upward based on class grade distribution curve. You pass the class if you receive D or above.